Rivington Avenue, Platt Bridge, Wigan, Lancashire WN2 5NG

01942 487999


Platt Bridge Community School & Nursery

School Values: Promotes Belief Creates Success


We can be contacted by a variety of ways:


Image result for letter iconPlatt Bridge Community School and Nursery, Rivington Avenue, Platt Bridge, Wigan   WN2 5NG

  Phone icon PNG transparent image download, size: 1969x1969px   01942 487999

Image result for email image  enquiries@plattbridge.cfat.org.uk


For general enquiries:      Please ask for the School Office - Mrs Carol Brockbank (School Operations Manager) or Mrs Adele Simm (Admin Officer)

Safeguarding Enquiries:   DSL - Mr Stephen Wallace (Head Teacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead); 

                                         Deputy DSL - Mrs Carly Bozdogan (Deputy Head teacher & Deputy DSL); Mrs Nicola Wood (Assistant Head & Deputy DSL)

SENDCo:                            Mrs Nicola Wood (Assistant Head & SENDCo)

Local Academy Board Chair:  Mr Michael Farrell - contactable via the school office.


We will always respond to any queries or questions you may have. We also welcome any comments/suggestions.

To report a pupil absence:     Telephone the school main number 01942 487999 and select option 1



Where to find us

✓ Directions to school M61

✓ Directions to school from M6

✓ Google Maps