Rivington Avenue, Platt Bridge, Wigan, Lancashire WN2 5NG

01942 487999


Platt Bridge Community School & Nursery

School Values: Promotes Belief Creates Success

Platt Bridge Community School Eco Schools

Planting Investigating Decaying Items Recycling Talk Milk Bottle Hanging Baskets 


As well as looking after the environment, our school is committed to looking after ourselves too! The school operates a healthy eating policy and we encourage children who are on sandwiches to bring in a healthy packed lunch.

Children should not bring sweets or chocolates into school.

Free Fruit is provided every afternoon to all Nursery and Lower Phase children and all pupils may purchase toast (20p) and milk (20p) at morning break.


Our school is committed to making changes which support our environment and we encourage our children and families to do so too. Please see below for a list of sites that might help you make decisions which are more environmentally conscious.

Useful Websites:

Welcome to Eco-Schools England


The Fairtrade Foundation

Recycling Guide


Recycle More


Education - United Utilities

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Platt Bridge Community School, Wigan awarded 'ECO SCHOOLS' mark for the fourth time in a row!

Press Release Jan 2020

Community First Academy Trust and Platt Bridge Community School are delighted to have been awarded the prestigious Global Eco School "Green Flag Award", for a fourth time. this highest accolade celebrates the school and Charitable Trust’s commitment to environmental awareness.

The schools eco work has become an integral part of our school life and is driven by the Eco Council which comprises pupils, staff and parents.  Children are actively encouraged to promote Eco ideas and action plans to benefit not only the school but also the wider community.

The school community have a desire to become greener and the school’s Eco Committee have continued to work hard on a range of interventions and initiatives which will help Wigan achieve their progressive green ambitions.

Head of School Ann Howard said: “Our Eco work is really embedded into the school’s curriculum and pupils regularly learn about a variety of environmental issues. We are delighted to retain our fourth Eco Schools Flag and the pupils are very proud of their achievements. A huge thank you must go to our parents and community members who support everything we do in the school.”

For more information head to www.plattbridge.wigan.sch.uk and www.eco-schools.org.uk


Eco-Schools is a global programme engaging 19.5 million children across 67 countries, making it the largest educational programme on the planet.

For nearly 25 years Eco-Schools has been empowering children to drive change and improve their environmental awareness through the simple Seven-Step framework in order to achieve the international Eco-Schools Green Flag award.

Eco-Schools develops pupils’ skills, raises environmental awareness, improves the school environment and creates financial savings for schools as well as a whole host of other benefits.