Rivington Avenue, Platt Bridge, Wigan, Lancashire WN2 5NG

01942 487999


Platt Bridge Community School & Nursery

School Values: Promotes Belief Creates Success

Our School DAY

BREAKFAST CLUB     (Only available to pupils in Reception to Year 6)

Breakfast Club operates from 7.30am to 8.55am – a fee is chargeable for this additional service. 



Morning Session – 8.55am – 11.55am                        Parents dropping off and collecting children from Nursery should use the red nursery door entrance   

Afternoon Session – 12.30pm – 3.30pm                     on Woodcock Drive



School doors open for Morning Registration –               8.55am

Lunchtime –                                                              12.00 - 1.00pm


End of the school day –                                              3.30pm


AFTER SCHOOL CLUB   (Only available to pupils in Reception to Year 6)

After School Club operates from 3.30pm to 6.00pm – a fee is chargeable for this additional service.



Breakfast Club – Parents who are dropping off their child at Breakfast Club should access the school building from the main playground through the main red doors next to the Year 2A classroom.


Start of the School Day (8.55am) – Parents should drop access the school grounds through the Cumbrian Close or Woodcock Drive, for Reception class pupils,  entrances to drop off their child.  Children will access their class through the external classroom door from the playground.  A member of staff will be on duty to ensure your child is safely registered in school. 

LATE ARRIVALS – It is important that pupils arrive at school on time so that your child’s progress is maximised.  Vital learning can be missed if pupils are late to school.  If however, you are late dropping off your child to school please report to the School Main Reception.  This will then allow us to mark your child in the register and a member of staff will escort them to their class.

LEAVING FOR APPOINTMENTS DURING THE SCHOOL DAY – We recognise that there will be occasions when pupils will need to leave school during the day for medical, dental appointments, etc.  Where this applies you should advise school beforehand. You will need to specify a collection time and, where applicable a return time and who will be collecting your child from school.  You will need to report to the main school reception to collect and return your child during the course of the school day to ensure they are accounted for and recorded correctly on the register.


End of the School Day (3.30pm) – Parents should collect their child from the external classroom door from the playground at the end of the school day accessing school through the entrance off Cumbrian Close or Woodcock Drive (for Reception class pupils).



Afterschool Club – If your child is attending Afterschool Club, your child will be collected from their class at the end of the school day by a member of staff.  Afterschool Club is held in the main school hall until 5:15pm and then pupils relocate to the school library.  Pupils should be collected before 5:15pm from the external door from the main playground accessed from the Cumbrian Close entrance.  Collections between 5:15pm and 6:00pm will be from the library exit, located at the front of the school building.