Rivington Avenue, Platt Bridge, Wigan, Lancashire WN2 5NG

01942 487999


Platt Bridge Community School & Nursery

School Values: Promotes Belief Creates Success

Personal Development

At Platt Bridge Community School, our core values of promote belief, create success, helps pupils to build individual character by understanding and appreciating differences and know that these should be valued, respected, and reflected on by having empathy and respect for one another. Throughout their time here, they deepen their knowledge of the British Values of Democracy, Individual Liberty, Rule of Law, Mutual Respect and Tolerance. Our Personal, Social, Health Education is taught alongside our Relationship, Sex and Health curriculum to ensure pupils can understand themselves as well as navigating the world around them.

What is Personal Development?

Personal Development is the curriculum that is provided by school that extends beyond the academic, technical, or vocational. It is used to support pupils to develop in many diverse aspects of life. The aim of Personal Development is to ensure that pupils can build knowledge, confidence, and resilience in preparation for their adult lives.

Extra curricula offer

Our curriculum extends beyond the National Curriculum to ensure there are opportunities for all pupils to engage in a wide range of experiences outside of the school day. Our provision is designed and linked to enhancing the curriculum from Reception through to Year 6. Our programme is a broad offer and includes sports, art, music, computing and many more, ranging from signing club to media club; cooking to French club and is complemented with a range of sporting activities.


Trip and visits

Trips and visits take place throughout the school year, in all year groups linked to year group pathways. The curriculum is further enhanced by speakers and experiences hosted in school throughout the year and enrichment sessions allow not only pupils to participate, but also extends to the local community.

PE and Sport commitment

We provide pupils with a wide range of PE & Sport opportunities beyond the school day. Through our sports squads’, pupils compete in a range of Borough competitions, sports festivals and local cluster fixtures. After school clubs such as Football, Gymnastics, Karate, and Athletics further provide opportunities for pupils to develop sporting skills, healthy lifestyle and positive attitudes. Pupils can access a range of competitive levels and inclusion through the year to ensure sport is accessible for all. All pupils (and parents) compete in the annual sports day help at the end of the year where achievement and participation are celebrated.

Residential visits

Residential visits in Year 4, 5 and 6 build children’s independence and provide opportunities for learning within different contexts and settings. In Year 4, pupils visit the City of York to be immersed in learning about the Vikings and the archaeological adventures surrounding the history of the area which builds on their curriculum knowledge about how the Vikings came to Britain. In Year 5, pupils access 3 day activity residential holiday that is exciting, full of fun, shared with new friends and enjoyed with laughter but they are also challenging, confidence building and learning experiences. This supports learners in the transition into the Upper Phase of school and helps build on their geographical, outdoor learning skills. In Year 6, as part of their topic, What Makes Britain Great, pupils visit the capital city of London to see key sights such as the London Eye, Houses of Parliament and the Tower of London as well as visiting Harry Potter Studios and watching a West-End show. An exciting opportunity for targeted Year 5 and 6 is the 5-day residential visit to Paris which includes opportunities for pupils to be fully immersed in French culture, speak the language and explore the geography of France.

Assembly programme

Every day, teachers and children engage in ‘Daily Reflection’ in their classes which is their chance to think about their own well-being, engage in collective worship or thoughts as well as consider events and festivals around the world and build their knowledge of other cultures.  

Each week we have two whole school assemblies - each Monday we have a whole school assembly to discuss current events and school values - we also learn a song in this assembly and share our love of music together. On Fridays we have our celebration assembly where the school comes together to celebrate children who have gone above and beyond and tried exceptionally hard with our Habits for Learning. 

Each week, one of the classes also hosts a class assembly where we share the learning we complete in class with our peers and parents. 


Pupils take part in a wide range of musical activities beyond the National Curriculum. Pupils in year 4 have an opportunities to learn a music instrument through our wider opportunities programme. Pupils in the choir take part in many events both in school and outside of school to showcase their talents.