Rivington Avenue, Platt Bridge, Wigan, Lancashire WN2 5NG

01942 487999


Platt Bridge Community School & Nursery

School Values: Promotes Belief Creates Success

Promoting equality and diversity in our Curriculum and the classroom for send provision 

We ensure that equality and diversity are embedded in our curriculum through our intent and implementation. Our curriculum ensures that our climate for learning; curriculum planning and delivery; learning experiences and assessment practices proactively eliminate discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and foster good relations in a manner that values, preserves and responds to diversity.

At Community First Academy Trust We Welcome...  All Countries of Origin |All Genders | All Abilities | All Ages | All Sexualities | All Races | All Religions and Beliefs

Our approach to inclusive practice, teaching methods and assessments, do not place students at a disadvantage. All pupils are exposed to a wide range of opportunities to expand their knowledge and understanding of many different cultures and identities in a manner appropriate to the subject being taught.

Our curriculum planning provides content that introduces children to multiple perspectives integrating themes of equality, diversity and cultural relativity into our subject and wider delivery. We enable learning experiences in which students are able to reflect on their own identities, biases, and backgrounds and how these impact on their learning and life experiences. When planning our curricula and teaching experiences we evaluate our delivery to be mindful of unconscious bias in content, delivery or assessment practices reflecting upon how this may influence learning and teaching.

Platt Bridge’s inclusive culture promotes belonging and engagement establishing a learning environment in which all students can feel they belong and are valued. Our teaching practices and curricula provide the opportunity for all pupils to reach their potential and to experience success in education and later life. We identify and actively plan to overcome barriers that prevent pupils from diverse backgrounds from learning ensuring that no student is automatically disadvantaged.

Our inclusive curriculum is designed to support our pupils' access ensuring they all have the opportunity to be engaged and actively participate to learn well. We aim to empower students to take responsibility for their own, and each other’s, learning providing opportunities for them to act as partners in their collaborative learning journey.

click here to review our Anti-Racism Statement Click Here to review our Equality Information and Objectives Statement 

CFAT Pupil Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy