Rivington Avenue, Platt Bridge, Wigan, Lancashire WN2 5NG

01942 487999


Platt Bridge Community School & Nursery

School Values: Promotes Belief Creates Success

OUR curriculuM

At Platt Bridge Community School, we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all the children within our community. We aim to motivate and inspire our children through a curriculum that engages and challenges all learners including those children with identified SEND Needs

Our Curriculum is designed with the intent to:

  • Promote the holistic development of our children whilst removing barriers and unlock opportunities to address any disadvantage and develop educated citizens.
  • Create life-enhancing experiences which raise aspirations of our children, families and community and equip them with the cultural capital that they need to succeed.
  • Through a progression of skills and knowledge, we aim to prepare our children to take advantage of the responsibilities and experiences of life in modern Britain.

At Platt Bridge Community School, we implement an inclusive, broad and balanced curriculum that meets the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum. Our curriculum is well planned and provides opportunities for cross curricular links, cultural capital opportunities and designated educational trips and visits which enhance the experiences of all children.

Subjects are taught as individual disciplines and are progressive to allow previously taught content to enhance and develop new learning. Children are immersed in a diet of vocabulary which is high-level and subject specific to further enhance their understanding of their topic as well as providing them with a breadth of language. Each year group has a list of high-quality, focused reading texts which link with each foundation subject to further enhance subject knowledge.

Within the wider curriculum, teachers ensure that there are opportunities planned for children to further develop their literacy skills, through cross curricular writing, ensuring standards are consistent across the curriculum.

Our curriculum is delivered through quality-first teaching providing timely feedback to ensure a rapid pace of learning and progress We provide a rich and varied learning environment which is rooted in the most up to date research alongside stringent assessment, moderation and monitoring that allows all pupils to develop their skills and abilities to their full potential.

Throughout this process, we are constantly re-evaluating our position in our curriculum journey, alongside the latest research and amending our objectives to match the needs of the children.

Curriculum Impact

Our curriculum ensures that children are provided with opportunities to build on prior experiences and make connections in their learning through the progression of knowledge and skills.

Through the breadth and depth of our curriculum, children are confident and resilient and well equipped for the future.

Our curriculum enables children to become enthusiastic learners with high aspirations and ambitions.

Below you can find an outline of the curriculum topics and coverage in all year groups from Nursery to Year 6.


Full Year Curriculum Mapping

The Early Years

2s-3s Nursery Pre School Reception

Key Stage 1

Year 1 Year 2


Lower Key Stage 2

Year 3 Year 4


Upper Key Stage 2

Year 5 Year 6

There are more details about individual subjects as well as teaching and learning strategies in the 'Curriculum Subjects' section of the website.