Charging & Remissions
The Governing Body recognises the valuable contribution that the wide range of additional activities including clubs, trips and residential experiences can make towards pupil's personal and social education. The Governing Body aims to promote such activities as part of a broad and balanced curriculum for the pupils of the school and as additional activities.
Where the parents of a pupil are in receipt of income support or family credit, the Governing Body will remit in full the cost of board and lodgings for any residential activity that it organises for the pupil if the activity is deemed to take place within school hours or where it forms part of the National Curriculum.
The Governing Body reserves the right to make a charge in the following circumstances for activities organised by the school.
- School journeys in school hours - the board and lodgings element of residential activities deemed to take place within school hours.
- Activities outside school hours - the full cost to each pupil of activities deemed to be optional extras taking place outside school hours.
- Individual instrumental tuition - the cost to the pupil for providing individual instrumental tuition.
- Charging in kind - cost of materials, ingredients, equipment (or equivalent of them by the parents) for Design and Technology. The Governing Body may charge for ingredients and materials or require them to be provided if the parents have indicated in advance that they wish to own the finished product.
- General - the Governing Body may, from time to time, amend the categories of activity for which a charge may be made. Nothing in this policy statement precludes the Governing body from inviting parents to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of providing education for pupils.
Please click here to view our schools Charging and Remissions Policy