School Uniform
Our School Uniform Policy complies with the DfE's 'Cost of school uniforms' statutory guidance, taking account of cost and equality considerations. Our policy can be reviewed by clicking here together with our other statutory school polices. Our school uniform is compulsory and consists of the following:
PE UNIFORM - Pupils must attend school in their PE kit on pre-set PE lesson days. Every child is expected to be correctly dressed for PE lessons. Indoor kit Outdoor kit
PLEASE LABEL ALL CLOTHING AND OTHER BELONGINGS WITH YOUR CHILD'S NAME. School Uniform SUPPLIERSOur branded school uniform is available to purchase from the following local suppliers:-
Unbranded school uniform is available to purchase from local supermarket/regular clothing retailers.
Pre-loved uniform - We also have a selection of donated, pre-loved uniform available for free to parents who are struggling to provide the required uniform for their child. Pre-loved uniform is displayed in the main school reception.
Personal Appearance School regulations apply for the following items and sanctions may be applied for failure to meet school standard