Rivington Avenue, Platt Bridge, Wigan, Lancashire WN2 5NG

01942 487999


Platt Bridge Community School & Nursery

School Values: Promotes Belief Creates Success

Platt Bridge Community School Nursery

Platt Bridge Community Nursery and EYFS Play based learning at its best! 

Our Early Years Foundation Stage or EYFS encompasses our Nursery from the age of 2 to the end of Reception, Age 4/5. We greatly value the importance of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) in providing a secure foundation for future learning and development. Our philosophy is that children learn best through play and our learning environments and experiences are carefully planned around children’s individual needs and next steps  

Please see our EYFS policy, protocols and the curriculum section of the website for further information

Personal, Social & Emotional

Communication & Language



Self-regulation, Managing Self and Building Relationships  

Listening & Attention, Understanding & Speaking 

Gross Motor Skill & Fine Motor Skills

Comprehension, Word Reading and Writing 



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts & Design

Read our former Platt Bridge Community Childcare Ofsted Report 

Number & Numerical Patterns

Past and Present, People Culture and Communities & the Natural World 

Creating with Materials and Being Imaginative and Expressive

Click Here to review Platt Bridge Community School  Nursery  (formally Platt Bridge Community Childcare Ofsted Report


Please click on any of the links below for further information

Click on Policy name to review school policy

Relevant to our setting?


Review cycle

Links, Documents and Approval level

Early years foundation stage (EYFS) Policy 



Recommended annually

This policy was updated in July 2023 to consider the DfE’s ‘Early years foundation stage profile: 2022 handbook’.

Click Here to review

Board of Trustees published on Platt Bridge school website

Nursery Admissions Policy 



 Recommended annually

This policy was reviewed against the latest DfE's 'School Admission Appeals Code' in July 2023– no substantive changes were made.

Click Here to review

Board of Trustees published on Platt Bridge school website

Early years foundation stage (EYFS) Protocols 




Recommended annually

These protocols were reviewed against the latest guidance in July 2023 – no substantive changes were made.

Click Here to review

Board of Trustees published on Platt Bridge school website

2-3’s and 3-4's Maintained Nursery

At Platt Bridge Community School we have a 24 places in our 2 Year Old Room for children aged 2-3 years. Some parents/carers may be entitled to 15 hours free 2 year old funding per week, term time only, for their child.

Please note that we currently offer parents sessions on either mornings, afternoons, or a full time basis (Monday to Friday) 5 day basis. We have a 60 place nursery (am, pm or full time) for children aged 3-4 years. All parents/carers of 3 year olds are entitled to 15 or 30 hours free nursery education per week, term time only, for their child.

If you choose to purchase additional sessions to extend your child’s hours there will be a charge for this service. Children who stay over the lunchtime period can purchase a cooked meal or bring a packed lunch. Please note that we will do our best to accommodate your first choice, but this may not always be possible.

The Nursery is organised across three rooms with access to a purpose built outdoor areas. The Nursery day is organised into short sessions of small group focus activities and longer periods when the children can choose from the range of activities provided both indoors and outdoors. Some of the activities that your child may access include:

  • Role play and dressing up
  • Construction and small world, e.g. farm, dinosaurs, dolls house etc.
  • Malleable materials (play dough, clay, etc.)
  • Writing area
  • Sand
  • Water
  • Table top activities, e.g. jigsaws, games, tasks to promote fine motor skills etc.
  • Book area
  • Making music

In the 3 Year Old Room children are able to move freely between the indoor and outdoor area to have the opportunity to participate in large physical play. The younger children also have daily access to their outdoor area in small groups. Therefore, all children will need to bring a coat and wear suitable shoes as much of children's learning will take place outdoors!

The children are divided into key person groups for registration, discussions and other small group activities. Each child is allocated their own key person during their induction to Nursery.


In order for our practitioners to get a full picture of the learning and development of a child with SEND, our setting has developed additional relationships with other professionals, ensuring that communication is strong between all professionals and the child’s parent. Where a child has SEND, teachers will be alert to identifying the child’s attainment and development in a variety of ways. While a developmental delay in the early years may or may not indicate that a child has SEND, it is important at this stage of child development through a graduated approach not to delay making available any necessary special educational provision.


FREE Nursery Places

For more information regarding FREE eligibility nursery places for 2-4 years old, please call the centre on 01942 487999 or alternatively click here.

Session Times

Help With Fees

You may be eligible for free two year old funding and all children are eligible for 15 hours free funding (Nursery Education Grant) when they turn three. Some 3 and 4 year olds will also be eligible for up to 30 hours free childcare. For further information click here 

You may also be able to claim help towards childcare fees from various schemes depending on your circumstances.

Childcare Vouchers – we accept childcare vouchers 

Our Session Times and Fees:

 Session  Times  Cost (£)
 Morning 3 hour session  8.55am - 11.55am  £13.50

 Lunch - (for children attending both morning and afternoon session)

 Parent provides packed lunch -

 Meals provided by the school Catering Services 


 No charge


 Afternoon 3 hour session  12.30pm - 3.30pm  £13.50

A Note About Fees:

  • Fees are payable in advance, either weekly or monthly.
  • Payments are now accepted through Parent Pay ONLY 
  • If you have yet to receive your login details, please contact your school direct 01942 487999 to obtain these. Once you have activation login details from school please do as follows:
    • Go to www.parentpay.com
    • Go to the Account login area, top right of the ParentPay website home page
    • Click on the Activate link
    • Enter the username and password provided by your child’s school
    • Follow the onscreen instructions to activate your account and accept our terms and conditions.
  • There is no refund of fees for absence, regardless of circumstances.
  • Fees are subject to annual revision each September but may also be revised at other times with prior notice.
  • Four weeks’ notice in writing or four weeks fees in lieu of notice is required when the child will be changing days or leaving nursery.