Rivington Avenue, Platt Bridge, Wigan, Lancashire WN2 5NG

01942 487999


Platt Bridge Community School

School Values: Promotes Belief Creates Success

  1. News
  2. Year 6 - Careers Week

Year 6 - Careers Week

3 July 2019 (by admin)

Presentation and Demonstration Day!

We invited a range of professionals to attend throughout the day to deliver a presentation or demonstration of their role.

Jess the driving instructor spoke about her role on the road, she even gave us a theory test! Hindley Prison Service brought a range of items from the prison to show the pupils. Adrian, our Cook, explained all about his career and the opportunities that are available within this role. We had a visit from a Police Officer, PCSO and Police Dog Handler's, the pupils were amazed by the dog demonstration. The officers explained about all the different roles within the police force.

Miss Hindley: "Our careers week continued today with many more professionals giving up their precious time to demonstrate elements of their jobs to the children in Y6. Like the children, I too was amazed at the opportunities for development and progression in different careers. I am sure lots of our pupils are inspired to find out more about these career paths!"

Josef: "I loved finding out about Jess' job as a driving instructor. We looked at the road signs and fund out about the Theory test too".

Montanna: "I loved speaking to Adrian about his job as a chef. It was amazing to find out that you can work in lots of different places like schools, prisons, restaurants and hotels. I didn't realise you could work all over the world on cruise ships as a chef too!"

Jenson: "It was great when the HM Prison Service came in: the officers showed us the different equipment they used and we got to look at the baton, handcuffs and helmets."

Bradley: "The dog handlers were amazing. It was really impressive to see how they can control their police dogs using just hand signals".

Adam: "I loved seeing the dog handlers and police dogs up close as I've never done that before!"

Ellie: "It was really suprising finding out about all the different jobs you can do as part of the Police! I didn't know you could be a dog handler and it is suprising how well trained they are".